Introduction to Configuration Management with Ansible
Unveiling Use Cases, Setup on Master and Agent Machines, Ad-hoc Commands, and Playbooks for Automation
What is Ansible ? ๐ง
Ansible is an open-source automation tool used for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It is designed to be simple, agentless, and easy to use.
Ansible uses a declarative language for system configurations and automation tasks, allowing you to define the desired system state instead of specifying individual steps.
Use Cases of Ansible:
Exploring practical applications, such as configuration management, application deployment, and task automation.
Emphasizing the role of Ansible in enabling efficient and scalable DevOps practices.
Setting Up Master and Agent :
Install Ansible on the master server.
Setting Up the Inventory File.
There are two ways to set up the Inventory file:
One way is to add the agents' IP addresses in the hosts file
sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts
And the other way is to create an inventory file in the current location.
Create an SSH key pair on the Ansible master by using the
command. This will generate a public key (id_
) and a private key (id_rsa
Copy Public Key to Agent Nodes:
Open the public key file (
) and copy its ~/.ssh/
Create an SSH key pair on the Ansible agents using the
command. Then, log in to each agents and add the copied public key to theauthorized_keys
Ad-hoc Commands:
Ad-hoc commands in Ansible are concise, one-line tasks used for quick checks or tasks on remote hosts without the need for a full playbook. They are run from the command line and offer a convenient way to engage with remote systems.
Ping Test
ansible -i inventory all -m ping
Check Free Disk Space
ansible -i inventory all -m "shell" -a "df -h"
Ansible Playbook:
An Ansible playbook is a YAML file that outlines tasks to run on remote hosts. Playbooks automate tasks, configurations, and deployments in a reusable way. Each playbook comprises one or more plays, and each play includes a list of tasks.
Nginx Playbook
--- - name: Nginx Installation and Configuration hosts: all become: true tasks: - name: Install Nginx apt: name: nginx state: present - name: Start Nginx service service: name: nginx state: started enabled: yes
Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i inventory nginx_playbook.yml
Docker Playbook
--- - name: Docker Installation hosts: all become: true tasks: - name: Install required packages apt: name: - apt-transport-https - ca-certificates - curl - gnupg-agent - software-properties-common state: present - name: Add Docker GPG key apt_key: url: state: present - name: Add Docker APT repository apt_repository: repo: "deb [arch=amd64] {{ ansible_distribution_release }} stable" state: present - name: Update apt package cache again apt: update_cache: yes - name: Install Docker apt: name: - docker-ce - docker-ce-cli - state: present - name: Start Docker service service: name: docker state: started enabled: yes
Happy Learning ^_^