Introduction to Configuration Management with Ansible

Unveiling Use Cases, Setup on Master and Agent Machines, Ad-hoc Commands, and Playbooks for Automation


3 min read

Introduction to Configuration Management with Ansible

What is Ansible ? ๐Ÿง

Ansible is an open-source automation tool used for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It is designed to be simple, agentless, and easy to use.

Ansible uses a declarative language for system configurations and automation tasks, allowing you to define the desired system state instead of specifying individual steps.

Use Cases of Ansible:

  • Exploring practical applications, such as configuration management, application deployment, and task automation.

  • Emphasizing the role of Ansible in enabling efficient and scalable DevOps practices.

Setting Up Master and Agent :

  • Install Ansible on the master server.

  • Setting Up the Inventory File.

    There are two ways to set up the Inventory file:

    One way is to add the agents' IP addresses in the hosts file

      sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts

    And the other way is to create an inventory file in the current location.

  • Create an SSH key pair on the Ansible master by using the ssh-keygen command. This will generate a public key ( and a private key (id_rsa).


  • Copy Public Key to Agent Nodes:

    • Open the public key file ( and copy its contents.

        cat ~/.ssh/
    • Create an SSH key pair on the Ansible agents using the ssh-keygen command. Then, log in to each agents and add the copied public key to the authorized_keys file.


Ad-hoc Commands:

Ad-hoc commands in Ansible are concise, one-line tasks used for quick checks or tasks on remote hosts without the need for a full playbook. They are run from the command line and offer a convenient way to engage with remote systems.


  • Ping Test

      ansible -i inventory all -m ping

  • Check Free Disk Space

      ansible -i inventory all -m "shell" -a "df -h"

Ansible Playbook:

An Ansible playbook is a YAML file that outlines tasks to run on remote hosts. Playbooks automate tasks, configurations, and deployments in a reusable way. Each playbook comprises one or more plays, and each play includes a list of tasks.


  • Nginx Playbook

      - name: Nginx Installation and Configuration
        hosts: all
        become: true
          - name: Install Nginx
              name: nginx
              state: present
          - name: Start Nginx service
              name: nginx
              state: started
              enabled: yes

    Run the playbook:

      ansible-playbook -i inventory nginx_playbook.yml

  • Docker Playbook

      - name: Docker Installation
        hosts: all
        become: true
          - name: Install required packages
                - apt-transport-https
                - ca-certificates
                - curl
                - gnupg-agent
                - software-properties-common
              state: present
          - name: Add Docker GPG key
              state: present
          - name: Add Docker APT repository
              repo: "deb [arch=amd64] {{ ansible_distribution_release }} stable"
              state: present
          - name: Update apt package cache again
              update_cache: yes
          - name: Install Docker
                - docker-ce
                - docker-ce-cli
              state: present
          - name: Start Docker service
              name: docker
              state: started
              enabled: yes

    Happy Learning ^_^

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