Basic Linux Commands For Devops

These commands provide a foundational understanding, although there are more advanced and specialized commands to explore beyond these basics.

Basic Linux Commands For Devops
  1. Is command

    The 'ls' command is used to list files and directories in the current location with various display options.

  2. pwd command

    The 'pwd' command prints the current directory in the terminal. Useful for checking your location or locating script files.

  3. mkdir

    The 'mkdir' creates directories in the terminal.

  4. cd

    The 'cd' command is used to navigate between directories.

  5. rm

    'rm' is used to delete the file permanently, and if we use 'rmdir' it will delete the empty directory.

  6. cp

    The 'cp' command is used to copy files or directories from one location to another.

  7. mv

    The 'mv' command is used to move files or directories from one location to another and it is also used to rename the files.

  8. touch

    The 'touch' command is used to create an empty file.

  9. cat

    The 'cat' command is used to see the contents of a particular file.

  10. clear

    The 'clear' command used is to clear the terminal screen.

  11. echo

    The 'echo' command is specially used to print something in the terminal.

  12. whoami

    The 'whoami' command is used to check the admin name of the system.

  13. man

    The 'man' command is used to display a user manual for any commands or utilities available.

  14. tee

    The 'tee' command reads from input and writes to both the terminal and files, commonly used in command pipelines for simultaneous output display and file storage.

  15. wc

    The 'wc' command in Linux provides the number of word, character, and line counts, among other options.

Happy learning (^_^)

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