Automating Deployment with Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkins

Deploying Django Todo App from GitHub to AWS EC2 via Multibranch Jenkins Pipeline

Automating Deployment with Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkins

What is a Multibranch Pipeline ?

Multibranching allows automating the branching, building and testing of complex repositories with many constantly changing long-lived branches representing variants. This is essential for efficient modern development environments.


  1. Ensure that the Jenkins server is already up and running.

  2. A Git repository with multiple branches.

Create a Multibranch Pipeline

  1. Login to Jenkins.

  2. Click on "New Item" and specify a job name. Then, select "Multibranch Pipeline option".

  3. Give Display Name and Description

  4. Under Branch Sources → Add source → Chose Git → and provide GitHub URL and Credentials (Credentials are optional if it is public repo)

  5. Apply and Save the Job

    Jenkins now automatically scans the repository and creates a job for each branch where it finds a Jenkinsfile, then initiates the first build.


    Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to improve this project, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

    GitHub Link of Application